Why I Can't Find My Files In The Search Box?

Sometimes we are looking for a certain file which we definitely saved in our computer a month ago so we uses the Search File or in the Start button  but we cannot find it. Whether we type the complete file name.

Well, Windows Search works or not depends on the FILE EXTENSION which contains your search text.  

For example, if you look for the word "spam", it will be found if it is in a whatever.doc file, or whatever.txt file.  However, if you were to rename the file to whatever.xyz, it will no longer find the word.

Here are all the steps I think you need to follow to actually search:

1. Make sure that Windows 7 is actually going to search files with your extension, and it appears that using this list properly is important *whether or not you are looking in an indexed location*!!
    a.  Hit the start button and type "search" in the search box.
    b.  Select "Change How Windows Searches"
    c.  Hit "Advanced"
    d.  Select the "File Types" tab.
    e.  Make sure the file extension for the files you want to search in is on the list *and* is set to "Index Properties and File Contents".  I know this appears to be for file indexing, but it does seem to make a difference on whether you find the file in non-indexed locations as well.
    f.  Say "Ok" and exit all the dialog boxes

2.  Actually perform your search on the folder in question.  Depending on some other settings you may have to type "content: spam" to find "spam" *in* the files instead of files with the word "spam" in the name.  Alternately, if you press the "Alt" key when you're exploring in the folder, you can choose "Tools / Folder Options" go to the "Search" tab and select "Always search file names and contents".